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About Solar Photovoltaic

Solar panel electricity systems also known as photovoltaics (PV), capture the suns energy using photovoltaic cells. These cells do not need direct sunlight to work, they can generate some energy even on a cloudy day.

Generating electricity this way offers reduced energy bills and generous financial incentives from your energy company through export tariffs. They can be fitted to south, easy and west facing roofs as well as on flat roofs and on the ground.

The continuing advancement in solar panel technology has led to panels and inverters producing more electricity for less capital investment. Batteries are also often fitted to store the free electricity for use in the evening and at a night-time. It is possible for a property to be “off-grid” for most of the year.


  • Export tariff available
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Environmentally friendly


  • Can be considered unsightly
  • High initial investment